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What are super contributions?

Money paid into your super account is called superannuation contributions. So when your employer puts part of your pay into your super, it's employer super contributions.

And you can add extra, too.

If you do this after tax, it's a voluntary or personal super contribution. If you add extra before tax, it's called salary sacrifice.

Adding more to your super is a simple way to get more for retirement.

Adding more to your super is a simple way to get more for retirement.

How? You invest more money. You may be able to save on tax. And you could get a bonus, too.

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Contributions Calculator

Do the sums and see the difference extra contributions can make to your future.

Can you get a bonus?

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Government super co-contribution

If you earn less than $60,400 a year and put extra in your super, you could get up to $500 added to your balance.

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Low income super tax offset (LISTO)

If you earn less than $37,000 a year, the ATO could give you a $500 refund in super contribution tax.

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Retirement Bonus

Stay with us and you could get a bonus when you retire by opening a Retirement Income account or Lifetime Pension.

How to make super contributions

You have 2 ways to put super into your account: before tax or after tax. There are different rules and benefits for each.

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Before tax
Before tax

If you want to add super to your account before tax (salary sacrifice), you'll need to ask your employer to set this up. They'll make the deposits from your pay.

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Voluntary personal super contributions come from your take-home pay. You have a few options on how to do this, including BPAY®, direct debit, and setting it up with your employer.

Which type of superannuation contribution is for me?

Contribution type Income Super contribution age limits
Employer's superannuation guarantee (SG) payments Any income 18 years and over (or under 18 and working 30 hours a week or more)
Voluntary contributions (after-tax) Any income Under 75 years
Downsizer contribution Any income 55 years and over
Splitting super contributions Any income Spouse getting the contribution is under age 60, or between 60 and 65 years, and still working.
First Home Super Saver (FHSS) scheme Any income Under 75 years
Low income super tax offset (LISTO) Up to $37,000/year No age limit
Spouse contributions Spouse under $40,000/year Spouse getting the contribution is under 75 years
Salary sacrifice (before-tax) Best for over $45,000/year Under 75 years
Government super co-contribution Up to $58,445/year Under 75 years

Get the most out of your contributions

Check your super payments

Use our app or log in online to see if your employer is paying super to the right account.

Log in to check
Add your tax file number

Pay less tax on your super by giving us your tax file number (15% tax instead of up to 47%).

Log in to update
Find and combine other super

It only takes us a few minutes to look for any of your old super accounts.

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FAQs about super contributions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Try our other frequently asked questions about super.

You generally pay 15% tax on contributions that you make before tax, like salary sacrifice. But this is usually less than your normal tax rate.

You don't pay any extra tax on contributions you make from your take-home pay. Why? Because this money has already been taxed.

Learn more about tax on super contributions.

Reportable super contributions are extra payments to your super that are more than those your employer must make.

They need to be reported to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

There are 2 types:

  • Reportable employer superannuation contributions
  • Reportable personal concessional contributions.

Check if you need to report your super contributions.

It's easiest to find your BPAY details for making a payment in Member Online or the Australian Retirement Trust app.

Or you can get your biller code and reference number with the biller code lookup tool.

Still not sure which super contributions suit you best?

You can get personal financial advice about your super account with us – it's included in your membership.

Learn more about your options.

Use our super contributions calculator

See how different types of contributions compare and what it means for your super and take-home pay.