Australian Retirement Trust USI number and ABN
If you've just joined us or have recently changed jobs, your employer may ask you to give them our USI number, ABN and other fund details.
To make it easier for you, these details including your member number can be sent to your employer in a few minutes via our app or Member Online.
USI number (replaces SPIN)
60 905 115 063 003
If you have a QSuper account, use the QSuper USI.
60 905 115 063
How to send your ART super account details to your employer
You can send your super details to your employer in one of 3 ways:
Using our app
Log in to our mobile app and select ‘Changing jobs' and then 'Email form' from the 'More' menu.
With Member Online
Log in to Member Online to send your pre-filled super form.
Download a form
Download a form with our fund details to complete later.
Can't find your member number?
Check our guide to see where it is or fill in our online form and we'll find your member number for you.
Other important information you may need
Fund name: Australian Retirement Trust
Phone: 13 11 84
Fund address: GPO Box 2924, Brisbane QLD 4001
FAQs about what these numbers mean