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For more information about the benefits and risks of opening a Super Savings account, before deciding to acquire or hold the product, please read the Super Savings Product Disclosure Statement for Accumulation account.3

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1 Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

2 Over the 10 years to 31 March 2024, our Balanced option returned 8.3% p.a. (Accumulation), 8.3% p.a. (Super Savings Lifecycle Investment Strategy - Balanced Pool), and 9.1% p.a. (Income). The option has adopted the pre-merger investment strategy of the Sunsuper Balanced option. Source: SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index, 31 March 2024. The industry median return for the SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index comprises the 50 largest investment options with a similar asset allocation to growth style assets between 60-76%. The Balanced option has identical investments to the Balanced Pool in the Lifecycle Investment Strategy. Members invested in the Lifecycle Investment Strategy invest a portion of their balance in the Balanced Pool from age 50. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Ratings and awards are only one factor to be taken into account when deciding to invest. Investment returns are net of investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes (where applicable). Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts. Super Savings products issued by Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd (ABN 88 010 720 840, AFSL No. 228975) as trustee for Australian Retirement Trust (ABN 60 905 115 063). Consider the Super Savings product disclosure statements and TMDs before deciding.

3 Australian Retirement Trust's Target Market Determinations are available.

Australian Retirement Trust has adopted the same products, services and investments as Sunsuper. For ratings and awards information, visit our Ratings & awards page.