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About our new investment options menu

We launched a new investment option menu on 1 July 2024. Read the Product update to understand how these changes affect you.

What's changing

  1. We're launching a new menu of investment options, available to all Australian Retirement Trust members.
  2. We're changing how we invest your super if you're in the Lifecycle Investment Strategy (Accumulation accounts only).
  3. Because of these changes, your super may be invested differently from 1 July 2024.
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Have a QSuper account with us or eligible to open one? Check out the QSuper Product update.

Paused screen for investment option changes

Joshua: How your super is invested can have a big impact on the amount you have to spend in retirement. So, it's important that we offer a wide range of investment options to suit different circumstances, investing experience, and retirement goals. The investment expertise and experience that we bring is also important to focus on delivering strong and competitive investment returns over the long term.

So, we're very pleased to introduce a new suite of investment options for our 2.3 million Australian Retirement Trust members, from 1 July this year. Our new suite of options is designed to take advantage of our size and our in-house expertise, as well as be broad enough to cater to a wide range of investment needs. We're here to help you feel confident that, with us, you have access to professionally managed investment strategies designed to help you retire well with confidence. And it's all part of being a member of Australian Retirement Trust.

Ruth: Before we begin, we'd like to first make three acknowledgments.

Firstly, to all of you for your time and for taking an active interest in your superannuation, and particularly the way it's invested.

Secondly, we'd like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of where we're conducting this event today, as well as those where you're watching from. We pay our respects to their elders past and present and any First Nations people joining us today.

Thirdly, and finally, please remember all content covered in this session is general in nature. As we don't know your personal or financial circumstances. We invite you to reach out on 133 1184 or hop on to the website for more information about Australian Retirement Trust and our products and services.

Now, in this presentation, we'll give you an overview of the new investment suite. So, if you have either a Super Savings Accumulation account or an Income account, well then, this information will apply to you. When we talk about investment options, these are portfolios that we invest your super in, to help it grow. You can choose different options to suit your retirement goals. So why are we introducing a new investment suite, and what will you need to consider with the opportunities it provides?

Joshua: As you may know, Australian Retirement Trust was formed just over 2 years ago through the merger of 2 major superannuation funds - Sunsuper and QSuper. Both with long experience in managing and investing members’ money for the future. Since the merger, we've been working hard to bring its benefits to our members. Our size now means we're one of the largest superannuation investors. We're managing over $280 billion in retirement savings on your behalf. And this means we can access a wide range of local, national, and global investment opportunities that you might not find anywhere else. Our combined ART investment team is an experienced and recognised team focused on strong, long-term investment returns. Providing all of ART’s members with investment options that access these benefits of size and investment expertise was central to the design of the new suite of options. And this means that all our members will be able to choose from the same suite of options regardless of whether they hold a Super Savings or QSuper account.

Ruth: In describing the new suite, we're using three words:

  • flexible
  • simple, and
  • aligned.

We know your investment choices can have a big impact on the money you have in retirement. But it's also important that your investment choices are easy to understand and simple to implement. And where you choose to let us invest your super for you, or you don't make an investment choice when you open an account, it's important that you know we're investing your balance in an investment strategy to suit your stage of life. What was important to us when designing our new investment suite was helping each of our members to retire well, with confidence.

Joshua: When you think about how this may apply to you, and the investment choices you make, here are three factors to consider:

  • your investment timeframe
  • the level of returns you may want, and,
  • your risk tolerance.

It's important to understand that each investment option that we offer invests in underlying assets. And this may include high growth assets such as shares or property, which historically give higher returns over the long term than more conservative assets like cash or bonds, for example.

Although investing in higher growth investments might help your super grow more than investing in conservative assets, the tradeoff is that there's a higher risk of negative return with these types of assets. And they may also experience greater short-term fluctuations in value, as a result. So, it's important to consider how long it will be before you start using your super in retirement, or how long you expect to draw your income from your super while you're retired.

Generally, when you are building your super, the younger you are and the longer you have the more you might choose to invest in higher growth options. This is because you may want to grow your money as much as you can over the long-term, which might matter to you more than any short-term falls or fluctuations.

But, if you're close to retirement, you may choose to invest more conservatively to help protect your retirement savings from any short-term losses. The tradeoff for this protection is that the returns may be lower. This is where your risk tolerance is important for you to consider - how much risk can you, or should you, take when investing, noting that this might change over time. Think too about how you might feel about your returns going up and down. If you invest in high-growth assets and the value falls, will you feel uncertain and want to sell? Or if you invest in low-risk assets and the level of returns isn't enough to meet your needs, will you regret not choosing higher growth investments?

Ruth: These are some of the considerations when thinking about where your super is invested and the right investment choices for you will depend on your personal situation. This is why for each option we offer we provide:

  • a suggested timeframe for investing in the option
  • its return objective, and
  • the indication of the risk of negative returns for each option.

This might be important to you as you consider the new suite of options.

So, let's talk through the new menu that's coming in from 1 July this year.

Joshua: From 1 July, you'll have access to a wide range of investment options that you can choose from or combine. Or you can also choose not to make a choice. If you don't make a choice, we'll invest you within the Lifecycle investment strategy. As our default investment option, this is where most of our members are invested. In this option, we will adjust your investments to suit your stage of life. This means we invest more money in higher growth, higher risk investments when you're younger, then we increase your exposure to lower risk investments as you get closer to retirement. It's important to note that this strategy is only available to members in a Super Savings Accumulation account and isn't available for our Income accounts.

If you'd preferred to have more control over the way your balance is invested, though, you can choose your own investment strategy. From Diversified options that we've designed, or by using one or more of our Asset class options. You can also choose a combination of these to decide what's right for you. So, let's do a deep dive into the investment options to help you better understand the opportunities that they'll be able to provide to you.

Ruth: This slide shows the Diversified and Asset Class choices we’ll offer from 1 July 2024. These options are often referred to as Choice options. Our new menu features 15 Choice options carefully designed to cover different objectives, levels of risk and investment timeframes. Now, some of these are new investment options and some are existing options, while others are options we’ll be renaming.

We also have a new default option for Income accounts, which is called the Balanced Risk-Adjusted option. This is the option that our Income account holders will automatically be invested in if they don't make an investment choice from 1 July 2024. Now, this change won't impact the investment of any members who opened an Income account before 1 July 2024 without making an investment choice. You'll remain invested in the Retirement option, which will be renamed to the Conservative-Balanced option, unless you make an investment choice to move to the new default.

Joshua: The Lifecycle investment strategy is our default MySuper investment option for Super Savings Accumulation account members who don't make an investment choice. It's designed to generate wealth over the long-term and transition your money to lower risk investments as you approach age 65. Now, we're making some changes to improve the retirement outcomes for our members invested in this option, which are designed with the aim of delivering higher returns over the long term for members of all ages.

We're increasing the amount we invest in Growth assets such as shares across the ages. Members should also expect an associated higher risk of negative returns in any given year, but it's important to consider how much risk you can, or should, take when investing, noting that this might change over time. So, if you're invested in the Lifecycle investment strategy as of 30 June 2024, between 1 July 2024 and 30 September 2024, the Pools that it invests in will change from the Balanced, Retirement and Cash Pools to the High Growth, Balanced and Cash pools.

The graph on this slide shows how this strategy will work from 1 July 2024. We're also bringing forward the age at which we transition, and how we transition, investments between the Pools. Under the new strategy we’ll invest 100% of your account balance in our High Growth Pool until you turn 50. Then, between the ages of 50 and 65, we’ll gradually move a portion of your account balance each month so that by your 60th birthday your balance will be invested in a combination of the Balanced and Cash Pools.

The proportion allocated to the Cash Pool will then gradually increase as you approach age 65. So, you can expect to see changes in the Pools that you hold, and the amount you hold within each. We're also updating the investment objectives for the Cash Pool and the asset allocation of the Balance Pool. If you have any new money going into the Lifecycle investment strategy from 1 July 2024 - for example, employer contributions, personal contributions, or rollovers from other funds - then these will be invested according to the updated investment strategy.

Now, we do know that this is a lot to take in. So shortly we'll let you know how you can find further information on the changes that we've outlined here.

Ruth: So, the question many of you will no doubt have is what will happen to your existing investment choices? The answer to this question will depend on what you're invested in as of 30 June 2024. Your current investment choices will be automatically transferred into the new investment options. In some cases, this may mean no change, or just a change of name to the options you invest in. But if some of your investment choices are closing on 1 July 2024, your account balance in those options will be automatically switched to other options, and any future contributions will also be automatically switched to the new options.

The names of these options will change so that they align with similar options in the market. This will make it easier for members to easily compare equivalent options. Some existing options won't be part of the new menu. For members invested in these, and members who have selected these options for new money coming into their accounts, we’ll automatically switch you to other options. Generally, the option we move you to will be similar to your current investment option, taking into account the objective, risk level, or asset allocation for the options. These are the options that will close and where you'll be invested in from 1 July 2024.

Joshua: If you're comfortable with how we'll invest your super from 1 July 2024, you don't need to take any action. You'll see these changes happen automatically to your account from that date. We're committed to also ensuring that you get all the information you need to help make any informed decision that you may choose to.

So, between now and 1 July 2024 there will be plenty of information available. The Product Update, which we released in March and which you should already have received, has a general overview of the investment options that we’ve explained in this presentation. In May 2024, you'll also receive a second Product Update, which will provide you with more detailed information about any specific changes to your investments. In the meantime, the Investment Hub on our website is the easiest way for you to learn more. You'll find a link on there to the Product Updates page, plus Q&As and other information will also be made available to you.

Ruth: We encourage you to engage with the information that will be provided to you to understand the reason for these changes, the opportunities they’ll provide, and how they may apply to you. Now if you need help considering the new investment option menu, over-the-phone advice about your super savings account is included with your membership.

Joshua: We've gone through a lot in this presentation, but we're all very excited about the new investment options suite that we'll be introducing from 1 July 2024.

Our new investment option menu

You can leave it to us to invest your super for you, and/or you can choose your own strategy from our new investment option menu.

Let us invest for you


Leave it to us

Our Lifecycle option
Our MySuper product is the Lifecycle Investment Strategy for Super Savings Accumulation accounts.

We'll invest your super in Lifecycle Investment Strategy if:

  • you choose to let us invest your super for you, OR
  • you don't make an investment choice when you open an Accumulation account.

For Income accounts

Balanced Risk-Adjusted

We’ll invest your Income Account in Balanced Risk‑Adjusted if:

  • you choose this option, OR
  • you don't make an investment choice when you open an Income account.

Choose your own investment strategy


You’d like some control while relying on us to design your mix of assets

Diversified options
Choose a mix we've designed and manage.

Actively managed

  • High Growth
  • Balanced
  • Conservative-Balanced
  • Conservative
  • Balanced Risk-Adjusted
  • Socially Conscious Balanced

Indexed – passively managed

  • High Growth Index
  • Balanced Index

Choose your own investment strategy


You take control

Asset class options
Mix and manage your portfolio.

Shares – listed assets

  • Australian Shares Index
  • International Shares Hedged Index
  • International Shares Unhedged Index
  • Listed Property Index

Unlisted assets

  • Unlisted Assets
  • Cash and Bonds

    • Bonds Index
    • Cash

    See how our investment options are changing

    Select an option from our original investment menu

    What’s changing with the Lifecycle option?


    • Changing the underlying investments of the strategy from Balanced, Retirement and Cash Pools to High Growth, Balanced and Cash Pools.
    • Updating the age at which we transition and how we transition investments between the Pools.
    • Changing the investment objective for the Cash Pool and updating the asset allocation of the Balanced Pool.

    Please note: If you have money in the Lifecycle Investment Strategy on 30 June 2024, you’ll see monthly changes in the pool(s) you hold between 1 July 2024 and 30 September 2024. By 1 October 2024, your Lifecycle Pools will align with the updated investment strategy. Refer to the Product update for details about these changes.

    AT 30 JUNE 2024
    Lifecycle investment strategy
    Investment mix

    Up to 50

    100% Balanced Pool

    50 to 55

    100% Balanced Pool

    55 to 60

    Mix of Pools: Balanced, Retirement, Cash

    60 to 65

    Mix of Pools: Balanced, Retirement, Cash


    Approximately 90% Retirement Pool
    10% Cash Pool*

    Lifecycle investment strategy
    Investment mix

    Up to 50

    100% High Growth Pool

    50 to 55

    Mix of Pools: High Growth, Balanced, Cash

    55 to 60

    Mix of Pools: High Growth, Balanced, Cash

    60 to 65

    Mix of Pools: Balanced, Cash


    80% Balanced Pool
    20% Cash Pool#

    *The actual proportion you have in the Retirement and Cash Pools at age 65 and beyond will vary depending on investment earnings and contributions.

    # How your Lifecycle investment will be invested at age 65. After age 65, the actual proportion you have in the Balanced and Cash Pools will vary depending on investment earnings and contributions.

    What’s changing with the Growth option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July, but under a new name.

    We're also making some changes to the asset allocation and allowable ranges for the Growth option (to be renamed High Growth) from 1 July 2024. The High Growth Pool within the Lifecycle Investment Strategy will have the same objective, risk label, and strategic asset allocation as the High Growth option.

    Who it suits

    Designed for members who want to generate wealth over the long term, but with less risk than an option invested solely in shares.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.5% p.a.



    Suggested timeframe

    7 years or more

    High Growth
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a diversified portfolio with around 85% growth assets, with less risk than investing only in shares
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns
    • is prepared to accept that the option can have negative returns over the short and medium term
    • is prepared to accept high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.5% p.a.



    Suggested timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the Balanced option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July.

    We're also making some changes to the asset allocation and allowable ranges for the Balanced option from 1 July 2024. The Balanced Pool within the Lifecycle Investment Strategy will have the same objective, risk label and strategic asset allocation as the Balanced option.

    Who it suits

    Designed for members who want to generate wealth over the long term.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0% p.a.



    Suggested timeframe

    5 years or more

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a diversified portfolio with around 70% growth assets
    • wants to grow your super over the long term
    • is prepared to accept that the option can have negative returns over the shorter term
    • is prepared to accept high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0% p.a.



    Suggested timeframe

    5 years or more

    What’s changing with the Balanced – Index option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July.

    We're also making some changes to the asset allocation and allowable ranges for the Balanced Index option from 1 July 2024.

    Balanced – Index
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to accumulate wealth over the long term and want exposure to a range of publicly traded assets invested in line with standard market indices, with a focus on Australian and international shares.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.0% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.5% p.a.



    Suggested timeframe

    5 years or more

    Balanced – Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a diversified portfolio with around 75% growth assets
    • wants to grow your super over the long term and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept the option can have negative returns over the shorter term and has a higher allocation to growth assets than the Balanced option. It invests in listed asset classes that follow market indices and so will generally have lower fees than some of the actively managed diversified options.
    • is prepared to accept high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.0% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.5% p.a.



    Suggested timeframe

    5 years or more

    What’s changing with the Socially Conscious Balanced option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July.

    We're also making some changes to the asset allocation and allowable ranges for the Socially Conscious Balanced option from 1 July 2024.

    Socially Conscious Balanced
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who want to accumulate wealth over the long term and who want to ensure that their investments are made in line with an extended set of environmental, social and governance principles.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0% p.a.



    Suggested timeframe

    5 years or more

    Socially Conscious Balanced
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a diversified portfolio with around 70% growth assets
    • wants to grow your super over the long term and invest according to an extended set of environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles
    • is prepared to accept the option can have negative returns over the shorter term
    • is prepared to accept high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0% p.a.



    Suggested timeframe

    5 years or more

    What’s changing with the Diversified Alternatives option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July, but under a new name.

    We're also making some changes to the asset allocation and allowable ranges for this option from 1 July 2024. The Unlisted Assets option will have a more diversified investment strategy.

    Diversified Alternatives
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who want to generate wealth over the medium to long term, but with reduced fluctuations in returns. This option provides diversified exposure to unlisted investments and trading strategies.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 5.0% p.a.


    Medium to high

    Suggested timeframe

    7 years or more

    Unlisted Assets
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a diversified portfolio of mostly unlisted assets (like private equity, infrastructure and property), with a strategic allocation of 5% to listed property for liquidity management
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns
    • is prepared to accept that unlisted assets can have negative returns over the short to medium term
    • is prepared to accept medium to high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Important: In some unfavourable market conditions, we reserve the right to restrict investment option changes and benefit payments. This option isn't suitable if you're not prepared to tolerate this risk.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 5.0% p.a.


    Medium to high

    Suggested timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the Retirement option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July, but under a new name.

    We're also making some changes to the asset allocation and allowable ranges for this option from 1 July 2024.

    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are close to, or have reached retirement. It is structured to generate wealth over the medium to long term, while providing some reduction to the fluctuation of returns in the short term.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 2.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.0% p.a.


    Medium to high

    Suggested timeframe

    5 years or more

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a diversified portfolio with around 50% growth assets
    • wants to grow your super over the medium to long term
    • is prepared to accept that the option can have negative returns over the shorter term, but aims to have smaller ups and downs compared to a higher growth portfolio in a volatile market
    • is prepared to accept medium to high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 2.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.0% p.a.


    Medium to high

    Suggested timeframe

    5 years or more

    What’s changing with the Conservative option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July.

    We're also making some changes to the asset allocation and allowable ranges for this option from 1 July 2024.

    Who it suits

    Designed for members who seek less volatile returns for their super while maintaining some growth exposure. Using your money in the short term is likely to be your main purpose.

    Return objective 1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 1.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 2.0% p.a.


    Low to medium

    Suggested timeframe

    3 years or more

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a diversified portfolio with around 30% growth assets
    • wants to protect your savings but still invest in some assets that can provide higher returns. You may want to start using your money soon.
    • is prepared to accept that this option might sacrifice higher long-term returns for short-term stability
    • is prepared to accept low to medium levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 1.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 2.0% p.a.


    Low to medium

    Suggested timeframe

    3 years or more

    What’s changing with the Shares option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We’ll automatically switch you to a mix of new shares options, as shown below.

    The proportion of your super invested in each option will change after 1 July 2024. This is due to differences in investment returns between the options. They won't be rebalanced automatically. If any new money comes into your account, it will be allocated according to the percentages shown in the table below.

    The Shares option invests in a mixture of actively managed, enhanced index and index investments. The options from 1 July 2024 are designed to closely match market indices.3

    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to accumulate wealth over the long term and can accept full exposure to the ups and downs of share markets.

    Return objective

    Beat the performance benchmark by 0.25% p.a. before investment taxes (where relevant) but after investment fees and costs and transaction costs, while maintaining a lower weighted carbon intensity than the performance benchmark. It's measured over rolling 3-year periods.


    • 50% MSCI Australian 300 Index
    • 18% MSCI World ex Australia Investable Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A (unhedged)
    • 7% MSCI EM Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A (unhedged)
    • 25% MSCI World ex Australia Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net hedged to $A


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    50% – Australian Shares Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of listed Australian shares
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that shares are very likely to have negative returns over the short to medium term
    • is prepared to accept very high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes (where relevant). It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: MSCI Australia 300 Index


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    25% – International Shares Hedged Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of listed international shares with currency exposure hedged back to the Australian dollar
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that shares are very likely to have negative returns over the short to medium term
    • is prepared to accept very high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.
    You’re willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes (where relevant). It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: MSCI ACWI ex Australia Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A hedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    25% – International Shares Unhedged Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of listed international shares with currency exposure not hedged back to the Australian dollar
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that shares are very likely to have negative returns over the short to medium term and that currency movements will affect their value
    • is prepared to accept very high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes (where relevant). It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: MSCI ACWI ex Australia Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A unhedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the Australian Shares option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We’ll automatically switch you to the Australian Shares Index option.

    The Australian Shares option invests in a mixture of actively managed, enhanced index and index investments. The Australian Shares Index option is designed to closely match a market index3.

    Australian Shares
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to earn returns from investment in the Australian shares asset class employing active management aiming to achieve better long-term returns than available in a standard market index for this sector.

    Return objective

    Beat the performance benchmark by 0.25% p.a. before investment taxes (where relevant) but after investment fees and costs and transaction costs while maintaining a lower weighted carbon intensity. It's measured over rolling 3-year periods.

    Benchmark: MSCI Australia 300 Index


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    Australian Shares Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of listed Australian shares
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that shares are very likely to have negative returns over the short to medium term
    • is prepared to accept very high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: MSCI Australia 300 Index


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the Australian Shares Index option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July.

    Australian Shares Index
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to earn returns from investment in the Australian shares asset class with passive management aiming to achieve long-term returns that are close to the returns of a standard market index for this sector.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity. Returns are before investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes (where relevant).

    Benchmark: MSCI Australia 300 Index


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    Australian Shares Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of listed Australian shares
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that shares are very likely to have negative returns over the short to medium term
    • is prepared to accept very high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: MSCI Australia 300 Index


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the International Shares Hedged Index option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July.

    International Shares Hedged Index
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to earn returns from investment in the international shares asset class with currency exposure being hedged back to the Australian dollar and passive management aiming to achieve long-term returns that are close to the returns of a standard market index for this sector.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    Returns are before investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes (where relevant).

    Benchmark: MSCI ACWI ex Australia Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A hedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    International Shares Hedged Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of listed international shares with currency exposure hedged back to the Australian dollar
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that shares are very likely to have negative returns over the short to medium term
    • is prepared to accept very high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: MSCI ACWI ex Australia Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A hedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the International Shares Unhedged Index option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July.

    International Shares Unhedged Index
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to earn returns from investment in the international shares asset class with currency exposure unhedged and passive management aiming to achieve long-term returns that are close to the returns of a standard market index for this sector.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.
    Returns are before investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes (where relevant).

    Benchmark: MSCI ACWI ex Australia Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A unhedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    International Shares Unhedged Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of listed international shares with currency exposure not hedged back to the Australian dollar
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that shares are very likely to have negative returns over the short to medium term and that currency movements will affect their value
    • is prepared to accept very high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes (where relevant). It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: MSCI ACWI ex Australia Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A unhedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the International Shares Unhedged Index option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July.

    International Shares Unhedged Index
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to earn returns from investment in the international shares asset class with currency exposure unhedged and passive management aiming to achieve long-term returns that are close to the returns of a standard market index for this sector.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.
    Returns are before investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes (where relevant).

    Benchmark: MSCI ACWI ex Australia Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A unhedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    International Shares Unhedged Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of listed international shares with currency exposure not hedged back to the Australian dollar
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that shares are very likely to have negative returns over the short to medium term and that currency movements will affect their value
    • is prepared to accept very high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes (where relevant). It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: MSCI ACWI ex Australia Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A unhedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the Emerging Markets Shares option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We’ll automatically switch you to the International Shares Unhedged Index option. The Emerging Markets Shares option invests in companies listed in stock exchanges in countries deemed as growing or emerging (e.g. China, India, Brazil). The International Shares Unhedged Index invests in both developed and emerging markets.

    Emerging Markets Shares
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to earn returns from investment in the emerging markets shares asset class with passive management aiming to achieve long-term returns that are close to the returns of a standard market index for this sector.

    Return objective

    Closely match the returns of the performance benchmark whilst maintaining a lower weighted carbon intensity. Returns are before investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes (where relevant).

    Benchmark: MSCI EM Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A unhedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    International Shares Unhedged Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of listed international shares with currency exposure not hedged back to the Australian dollar
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that shares are very likely to have negative returns over the short to medium term and that currency movements will affect their value
    • is prepared to accept very high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.
    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes (where relevant). It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: MSCI ACWI ex Australia Investible Market Index (IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A unhedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the Property option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We’ll automatically switch you to the Unlisted Assets option. The Property option generally invests in the Property asset class, both listed (i.e. on a stock market) and unlisted investments. The Unlisted Assets option will invest in a range of mostly unlisted investments.

    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to earn returns from investment in the global and Australian property asset class with some active management aiming to achieve better long-term returns than available in a standard market index for this sector.

    Return objective

    Beat the performance benchmark before investment taxes but after investment fees and costs and transaction costs over a rolling 5-year period.


    • 25% FTSE EPRA/NARIET Global REIT index in $A (Hedged)
    • 75% MSCI/Mercer Australian Core Wholesale Property Fund Index - NAV-weighted Post Fee Total Return (All Funds)



    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    Unlisted Assets
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a diversified portfolio of mostly unlisted assets (like private equity, infrastructure and property), with a strategic allocation of 5% to listed property for liquidity management
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns
    • is prepared to accept that unlisted assets can have negative returns over the short to medium term
    • is prepared to accept medium to high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Important: In some unfavourable market conditions, we reserve the right to restrict investment option changes and benefit payments. This option isn't suitable if you're not prepared to tolerate this risk.

    Return objective
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 5.0% p.a.


    Medium to high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the Australian Property – Index option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July, but under a new name, and with an updated return objective.

    The geographic allocation of the option will also change. It’s currently invested in listed Australian property investments. From 1 July 2024, the option will invest in listed global property, including listed Australian property investments.

    Australian Property Index
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to earn returns from investment in the Australian property asset class with passive management aiming to achieve long-term returns that are close to the returns of a standard market index for this sector.

    Return objective

    Closely match the returns of the performance benchmark before investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes.

    Benchmark: S&P/ASX 300 A-REIT Accumulation index


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    Listed Property Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of global listed property with currency exposure hedged back to the Australian dollar
    • is willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns and wants an option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that listed property investments are very likely to have negative returns over the short to medium term
    • is prepared to accept very high levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark. The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes.

    It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Rental Index Net Total Return in $A hedged


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What’s changing with the Diversified Bonds option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We’ll automatically switch you to the Bonds Index option. The Diversified Bonds option invests in a mixture of actively managed, enhanced index and index investments. The Bonds Index option is designed to closely match a market index, and is one risk band higher.3

    Diversified Bonds
    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to earn returns from investment in the fixed income asset class with active management aiming to achieve better long-term returns than available in a standard market index for this sector.

    Return objective

    Beat the performance benchmark by 0.3% p.a. before investment taxes (where relevant) but after investment fees and costs and transaction costs over rolling 3-year periods.


    • 50% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index in $A (hedged)
    • 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index


    Low to medium

    Suggested investment timeframe

    3 years or more

    Bonds Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of global fixed income assets where currency exposure is hedged back to the Australian dollar
    • wants a fixed income option that's lower cost than an actively managed option is prepared to accept that fixed income assets can have negative returns over the shorter term
    • is prepared to accept medium levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark. The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.


    • 50% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index in $A (hedged)
    • 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index



    Suggested investment timeframe

    3 years or more

    What’s changing with the Diversified Bonds – Index option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July, but under a new name.

    Diversified Bonds – Index
    Who it suits

    Are seeking to earn returns from investment in the fixed income asset class with passive management aiming to achieve long-term returns that are close to the returns of a standard market index for this sector.

    Return objective

    Closely match the returns of the performance benchmark before investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes (where relevant).


    • 50% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index in $A (hedged)
    • 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index



    Suggested investment timeframe

    3 years or more

    Bonds Index
    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of global fixed income assets where currency exposure is hedged back to the Australian dollar
    • wants a fixed income option that's lower cost than an actively managed option
    • is prepared to accept that fixed income assets can have negative returns over the shorter term
    • is prepared to accept medium levels of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark. The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.


    • 50% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index in $A (hedged)
    • 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index



    Suggested investment timeframe

    3 years or more

    What’s changing with the Cash option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July but have updated its return objective and suggested investment timeframe. The Cash Pool within the Lifecycle Investment Strategy has an identical objective, risk label and strategic asset allocation to the Cash option.

    Who it suits

    Designed for members who are seeking to accumulate a lump sum or derive income over time by earning returns that are close to the level of short-term interest rates in the Australian economy.

    Return objective

    Match or exceed the returns of the performance benchmark, before investment taxes (where relevant) but after investment fees and costs and transaction costs.

    Benchmark: Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index


    Very low

    Suggested investment timeframe

    1 year

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who:

    • wants a portfolio of cash assets
    • may want to start using your money soon or want to protect your savings
    • is prepared to accept that over the long term, cash can deliver low returns that may not keep up with increases in the cost of living
    • wants a very low level of volatility in returns from year to year.

    Return objective

    Aims for returns above the performance benchmark. The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.

    Benchmark: Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index


    Very low

    Suggested investment timeframe

    Less than 1 year

    1. For the Lifecycle, Diversified and Unlisted Assets options, the investment objective is the targeted investment return after investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It's measured over rolling 10-year periods. Tax generally doesn't apply to investment earnings on Retirement Income accounts.
    2. Risk is based on the Standard Risk Measure (SRM). The SRM is what we use to describe the risk that applies to each investment option. It's guided by the industry and allows you to compare investment options across multiple funds. Read the PDS for more information on how we measure risk.
    3. Actively managed and enhanced indexed investments seek returns that outperform relevant market indices. Index investments are generally lower cost than actively managed and enhanced index investments.

    If you have a Super Savings Lifecycle account

    If you have a Lifecycle account, here's what's changing:

    • The underlying investments of the strategy will change from Balanced, Retirement and Cash Pools to High Growth, Balanced and Cash Pools.
    • The age at which we transition and how we transition investments between the Pools
    • The investment objective for the Cash Pool, and updating the asset allocation of the Balanced Pool.

    As a result of these changes, we expect the Lifecycle Investment Strategy to have higher returns over the long term for members of all ages. But it could also have a higher risk of negative returns in any given year.

    Our new Lifecycle Investment strategy

    Here's how the strategy will work from 1 July 2024.

    High Growth
    Cash Pool

    If you have money in the Lifecycle Investment Strategy on 30 June 2024, you’ll see monthly changes in the pool(s) you hold between 1 July 2024 and 30 September 2024. By 1 October 2024, your Lifecycle Pools will align with the updated investment strategy.

    FAQs about our investment option menu

    Illustration of people on devices

    Your current investment choices will be automatically transferred into the new investment options. In some cases, this may mean no change, or just a change of name. But if some of your current investment options are closing, on 1 July your account balance in those options will be automatically switched to the most similar new option(s) available, taking into account the objective, risk level or asset allocation for the option(s). Future contributions will also be automatically switched to the new option(s).

    You can see which option(s), if any, your investments will be switched to by using the change tool on this page (above).

    Find out how your super is invested and make investment choices by logging into Member Online or our app.

    Log into your account

    If you're comfortable with how we'll invest your super from 1 July 2024, you don't need to take any action.

    You'll see the changes happen automatically from 1 July 2024.

    The choice options on our new investment menu will be the same choice options for all Australian Retirement Trust members that have an Accumulation or Income account, regardless of whether you hold a Super Savings or QSuper account.

    This means we are:

    • Introducing some new investment options
    • Renaming some existing options
    • Closing some existing options and switching members’ money to another option.

    We're making changes to our MySuper investment options (Super Savings Lifecycle Investment Strategy and QSuper Lifetime). These changes aim to improve retirement outcomes for our members.

    If you’re in an investment option that’s closing and your super contributions are also paid into this option, we’ll automatically switch your contributions into your new investment option from 1 July 2024.

    We have qualified financial advisers who can help you over the phone with advice about your ART super accounts. This service is included in your membership.1

    Be aware, though, that the advisers won’t be able to give you advice about the new investment options until all the product information is available in May.

    Get advice

    1 Sunsuper Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 50 087 154 818 AFSL No. 227867) (SFS) is a separate legal entity responsible for the financial services it provides. Eligibility conditions apply. Refer to the Financial Services Guide for more information.

    Learn more about these changes

    Read our Product update to understand how these changes affect you.

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    How long will your super last?

    Use our retirement calculator to check how long your super might last in retirement.

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    Read the PDS

    Learn about how we invest your money today. We'll update the PDS from 1 July 2024 with the new investment options.

    Learn more
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    Contact us

    Speak with us by phone or live chat between 8:00am–7:30pm AEST/AEDT Monday to Friday.

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    Manage my investments

    Log into your account to find out how your super is invested, including how to switch options.

    1. Sunsuper Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 50 087 154 818 AFSL No. 227867) (SFS) is a separate legal entity responsible for the financial services it provides. Eligibility conditions apply. Refer to the Financial Services Guide for more information.