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When can I access my super?

Super is a long-term investment for your retirement. So the government has rules about superannuation withdrawal. They're called conditions of release.

How to access super early

In some cases, you may be able to withdraw some or all of your super before retiring or turning 65.

Check your eligibility
You can get money from your super at:


If you retire or leave a job


Even if you haven't retired

Read the rules to access super before you apply to start using your savings.

Before you withdraw super

Have you spoken to a financial adviser? What you do with your super can have a big impact on your future lifestyle. It may also affect any insurance you have in super.

Your membership includes financial advice to help you make decisions about:

  • Different ways to withdraw/access your super
  • How each option is taxed
  • Your account and the Age Pension
  • The best time and how much you may need to retire
Get advice

Watch: How to transition from work to retirement

Accessing super while still at work
Accessing super while still at work

Learn ways to ease into retirement that let you work less while still growing your super.

How to withdraw super

There are different ways to use your super. You can set up regular payments, or make one-off withdrawals. Or both.

The quickest way to apply for a superannuation withdrawal is through Member Online.

Ways to access your super

Income payments

Turn your super into regular payments using a retirement income stream. It’s a popular and tax-effective way to access your super.

You can open a Retirement Income account and/or Lifetime Pension by transferring some or all of your money from your Super Savings Accumulation account.

Then set up regular payments to your bank account.

Learn more about retirement income options
Illustration of people on devices
Pros of income payments
  • Tax: Your investment earnings are tax-free, and income payments are also tax-free over age 60.
  • Income: Depending on your age and if you're still working, it could be a good option to replace or boost your income.
  • Investing: If you keep your money in your Income account, it stays invested in super while you get payments.
Cons of income payments
  • Min/max limits: The government sets a minimum amount for your income stream. So you have to take a certain percentage of your balance in payments each year, based on your age. For Transition to Retirement Income accounts, there's also a limit to how much you can take out each year.
  • Transfer limit: There's a limit on how much super you can transfer tax-free into a retirement income stream.

One-off withdrawals

You can keep some or all of your super in your Super Savings Accumulation account and make withdrawals into your bank account. This is called a lump sum withdrawal.

You can take out as much as you have, whenever you need it.

There's also the option of opening a Retirement Income account and making withdrawals from there instead.

Make a withdrawal
Illustration of people on devices by a plant
Pros of withdrawals
  • Pay off debt: Taking out some or all of your super may let you pay off a mortgage or other debt, or pay other necessary expenses.
  • Flexibility: You can take part of your super out as you need it, instead of all at once. This may have tax and Centrelink benefits, depending on your age.
Cons of withdrawals
  • Risk of over-spending: You may be tempted to spend too much until your money runs out.
  • Lower future income: Spending your savings now will reduce how much you have for the future.
  • Tax: If you withdraw your savings to invest outside super, you may pay tax (compared to tax-free investments in a retirement income stream). And you may pay tax on income payments outside super.

FAQs about withdrawal of super

Find out more about how super works in retirement and how our products work. Or see more FAQs.

Your preservation age – or access age – is the lowest age you can get your super. The government sets this age limit and it's generally age 60.

When you reach your preservation age and retire, you can usually withdraw your super or turn it into an income stream. If you want to keep working, you can start a Transition to Retirement account instead.

Keep in mind the preservation age for super is different to the government's Age Pension eligibility age.

Date of birth Age you can access your super
Before 1 July 1964 You've already hit your access age
From 1 July 1964 60

Yes you can. If you stop working when you're 60 or older, you can use or withdraw your super. And if you decide to start working again, you can still access the super you'd built up before going back to work.

But you won't be able to use any contributions from your new employer until you leave that job.

Once you turn 65, you have full access to all your super.

When you change employers, make sure to send them your account details, so they can pay your super correctly.

It depends on whether you've retired or you're still working.

  • Once you've turned 60 and retired, you can take out as much as you like from your account.
  • If you leave a job but don't retire, you can access the super you've saved up until that point.
  • If you stay with your employer, you may be able to open a Transition to Retirement (TTR) Income account to get up to 10% of your super each financial year.

Before you start withdrawing your super, think about getting financial advice.

If you're 60 years old and not ready to retire yet, you could access some of your super while you’re still working. A way to do this is by opening a Transition to Retirement (TTR) Income account.

You can use a TTR Income account to reduce your work hours without reducing your income.

Or use it as part of a tax strategy, saving you tax while your savings continue to grow.

If you hold one of our Defined Benefit accounts, there are some things to think about before you withdraw your super when you're still working.

Please call us on 13 11 84 for information.

If you're 60 or over, you can use one of our retirement income products to get payments from your super without paying tax.

Investment earnings in our Retirement Income account are generally tax-free.

If you're under 60, the taxable portion of any income payments are taxed at your marginal tax rate (plus Medicare levy).

Learn more about how super is taxed.

Yes, lump sum withdrawals and payments from your super can impact any Centrelink benefits.

Making small changes to your super can affect Age Pension payments. It's worth getting personal financial advice to help you make the best decisions.

You don't have to take out your super when you retire or reach a certain age. You can leave it in your Super Savings Accumulation account for as long as you want.

That way you'll keep investing your money while you decide what to do with it.

If markets have dipped, you might decide it's the wrong time to withdraw your money. We offer personal financial advice to support you. Check out our seminars, too.

Keep in mind that there's up to 15% tax on investment earnings in Accumulation accounts. If you move your super into a Retirement Income account, you don't pay any tax on your earnings.

You may be able to withdraw super early under compassionate grounds for dental expenses. But only if they're medically necessary and you don't have another way to pay for them.

The ATO assesses dental treatment on a case-by-case basis.

The quickest way to apply to withdraw super is through Member Online.

Here's some things you'll need to tick off as you go through the process:

  • Eligibility: You meet the rules to access your super.
  • Contact details: Save both email and mobile details on your account.
  • Personal details: We have your tax file number (TFN), date of birth, address etc.
  • Proof of identity: To make sure it's really you, have identification documents ready such as a current driver's licence.
  • Payment details: Tell us where you want your money paid, for example your bank account.

Remember, the way you access your super could end in you paying more tax. So it's a good idea to get financial advice before deciding.

Make your super last longer

You don't have to withdraw all your super when you retire. Instead, you can access part of your super with a retirement income product. They're made to help your savings last.


Transition to Retirement Income account

Start using your super while working, with a TTR account.

  • Get payments while still working
  • Continue growing your super
  • Flexible payment options
Find out more

60 and over

Retirement Income account

Adds flexibility by allowing you to change your payments and withdraw money anytime.

  • Get an income for retirement
  • Choose your investment options
  • Flexible payment options
Find out more

From 60th to 80th birthday

Lifetime Pension

Gives security in retirement, knowing your payments won't stop, no matter how long you live.

  • Never runs out
  • Possible Age Pension benefits
  • Payments adjusted yearly
Find out more