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Before combining your super: Think about whether the timing's right to bring your super together for your investments. Check if you'll lose benefits like insurance and pension options, if you'll need to pay fees, or what it means for tax. And make sure your employer super contributions go to the right fund.

What happens next?


Read our Binding Conditions of Use

Once you've given us permission, we'll start combining your super.


We'll contact your other super fund/s

It can take up to 20 working days for your super to transfer over. Once it's with us, we'll put it into your Australian Retirement Trust account.


You'll hear from us when it's in your account

You'll be able to check your balance in Member Online and invest your super in our range of options.

Illustration of a person with stripey shirt

Binding Conditions of Use

These conditions of use set out the respective rights and obligations of the Australian Retirement Trust trustee and you, the member, for rollover transactions you do over the phone using your unique verification code.

By phoning us and using your unique verification code for a rollover transaction, you agree to be bound by these conditions of use.

1. Unauthorised transactions you're not responsible for

1.1 You won't be held liable for any losses arising from a transaction which you're not responsible for, including:

  1. fraudulent or negligent conduct of the Australian Retirement Trust trustee’s employees or agents in relation to a transaction
  2. the Australian Retirement Trust trustee’s system or equipment malfunctioning, including non-completion of transactions and unreasonable delays in carrying out your valid instructions
  3. any unauthorised transaction where you haven't contributed to such a loss
  4. any unauthorised transaction occurring after you've notified the Australian Retirement Trust trustee that the security of your identifier has been breached.

1.2 If there's a loss to you as result of any of the matters listed in paragraph 1.1, Australian Retirement Trust is responsible for the loss.

2. Your obligations

2.1 It's your responsibility to safeguard your verification code. If you suspect your verification code has been compromised, please phone us on 13 11 84 immediately.

2.2 The Australian Retirement Trust trustee won't be liable for any losses to you as a result of your failure to take adequate steps to safeguard your verification code, including where you have:

  1. given your verification code to someone else
  2. kept a record of your verification code in a place which is easily accessed by others without making any reasonable attempt to hide the purpose of the code
  3. failed to immediately notify us when you suspected your verification code had been compromised, or because of your negligence another person was able to use your verification code.

2.3 If there's a loss to you solely as a result of you failing to take adequate steps to safeguard your verification code, Australian Retirement Trust is not responsible for that loss.

2.4 If we suspect someone using your verification code isn't authorised to do so, we may not process the transaction. We'll let you know as soon as possible if we do this, using the contact details you gave us. We have no liability to you if we don't process a transaction for this reason.

2.5 However, we're entitled to assume that anyone using your verification code and correctly answering an identity authentication question is you. And we have no obligation to check the authority of any person using your verification code and correctly answering our authentication question.

3. Your liability

3.1 If there's a loss to Australian Retirement Trust as a result of your fraudulent use of your verification code, or you failing to take adequate steps to safeguard your verification code, you're liable to Australian Retirement Trust for that loss. But you're only responsible for losses directly arising from your conduct, and not any indirect consequences.

3.2 If there's a loss caused partly by you failing to take adequate steps to safeguard your verification code and partly by a matter you're not responsible for (including any of the matters listed in paragraph 1.1), losses will be allocated between the Australian Retirement Trust trustee and you based on each party’s contribution to the loss.

3.3 You can't be liable for an amount greater than your total Australian Retirement Trust benefits, unless the loss is caused by your fraudulent conduct in which case there's no cap on your liability.

4. Where your instructions can’t be carried out

4.1 If you don't give us enough information to process the transaction you asked for, we'll contact you to get the extra details we need. We'll do this within a reasonable time after we find that we don't have the information we need.

4.2 We won't process your transaction while we don't have the information we need. The processing time for your request will start once we have all necessary information.

All done! Now, where can your super take you?

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