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Future of Work Report

Supported by Australian Retirement Trust

Future of Work Report

Supported by Australian Retirement Trust

We’re proud to support the Future of Work Report brought to you by Business Chamber Queensland. This report is a valuable asset in supporting Queensland businesses to strategically plan for future opportunities.

It includes insights gathered from hundreds of organisations across the state and looks into the trends set to influence and drive Queensland businesses of the future.

Key findings include:

  1. 70% of businesses said a need for stronger digital skills among their workforce would have a moderate to critical impact on the future of their business.
  2. Mental health and wellbeing support is the top concern in future work life for Queensland businesses, expected to have moderate to critical impacts on 70% of businesses surveyed. 37% of businesses expected major to critical impacts.
  3. 61% of Queensland businesses reported digital engagement and e-commerce would have moderate to critical impacts on the future of their business. 13% indicated this would have critical impacts for their workplace in the next five years.

Australian Retirement Trust Chief Executive Officer Bernard Reilly said The Future of Work Report was a helpful tool for employers and workforces to plan for future trends and impacts.

“We know there are extensive opportunities available for businesses and their workforces across Queensland, but both need to be prepared and able to meet evolving trends, impacts and influences on the future of work,” Mr Reilly said.

“The Future of Work Report has come at the right time for businesses as we witness ongoing developments in digitisation as well as social working trends in a post-COVID environment.

“The report is a valuable and timely asset that we’re proud to support for the future development of Queensland businesses and workforces.”

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