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Employer contribution refund requests

Australian Retirement Trust is able to action requests for a refund or an adjustment to contributions that were submitted to an Australian Retirement Trust member ONLY (or a former AustSafe Super member).

If you need to request a refund for a contribution made to another super fund, you will need to contact that fund directly. We cannot process refunds for other super funds.

Australian Retirement Trust may only refund contributions in the following circumstances:

  • Member does not meet an age-based contribution acceptance test
  • Member makes a non-concessional contribution in excess of the non-concessional contribution cap
  • Employer has not supplied sufficient member information to allocate the contribution
  • Employer can demonstrate they made a genuine error, such as a clerical error, computer malfunction or other mistake at the time of contribution.

As an employer, how do you prove a genuine error and how long does it take to process?

  • All requests for adjustments must be received in writing from the employer with evidence or relevant linking documents to demonstrate the error made. This can include a statutory declaration.
  • Once approved, Australian Retirement Trust must refund the contribution within 30 days of becoming aware of the event. 

Requests for contribution refunds or adjustments along with supporting documentation can be sent to: