Age Pension eligibility
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What is the current Age Pension age?
There’s no set retirement age in Australia, but the government does set the age you can start getting Age Pension payments. Look at the Age Pension age table below.
Date of birth | Age Pension age |
1 January 1954–30 June 1955 | 66 years |
1 July 1955–31 December 1956 | 66 years and 6 months |
1 January 1957 or later (current pension age) | 67 years |
Is the Age Pension age the same for everyone?
Yes, at the moment, the age for the Age Pension is the same for all Australians who reach the government's set age and meet the other criteria – no matter your gender or personal situation.
FAQs about the pension age
What if I need to get the pension earlier?
You can usually access your super earlier than you can access the Age Pension. So, if you're not yet old enough to get the Age Pension but you have some super, you might be able to use that until you reach the pension eligibility age.
For more information on the Age Pension or other available payments, visit Centrelink (Services Australia) or ask to speak to one of their Financial Information Service Officers.
Accessing your superContinue checking your eligibility
The pension age is only one part of the Centrelink's eligibility test to see if you can get the Age Pension. You'll also need to meet an assets test and an income test.
Next: Assets testor skip ahead to the Income test
Ready to make a plan?
If you're confident you understand your Age Pension eligibility, here’s what you can do next.
Choose when to retire
If you already know what age you can get the Age Pension, check the age you can access your super and think about when you might be able to start enjoying life after work.
Get advice
To keep planning your retirement, book an appointment for financial advice about your account with us (the cost is included with your account).
Apply for other government benefits for seniors
Some of the other benefits (apart from the Age Pension) you may be able to access include:
- The Seniors Card, which will give you access to a wide range of both government and non-government products and services such as discounted public transport (if eligible)
- The Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, which could give you access to cheaper prescriptions and other government-funded medical services, if you meet the health card's income test, which lets you earn more income than the Age Pension (the health card doesn't have an assets test).
- Other types of support such as the Pensioner Concession Card, Disability Support Pension, Carer Payments/Allowances, and the Pension Loans Scheme.
Retire at the right time for you
If you retire with our award winning retirement products, you can mix and match to create the best retirement income with your super – and the Age Pension if you can get it.
You are: Aged 60 to 64 years old but not yet retired.
You get: Regular payments from your super while still working.
You are: Aged 65 or over, or between 60 and 64 and permanently retired.
You get: Regular payments from your super when you retire.
You are: Aged 60 to 80 years old and permanently retired.
You get: Tax-free fortnightly payments for the rest of your life, and you can combine with an income account.