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What is salary sacrifice?

Salary sacrificing to super is when you choose to pay part of your salary into your super account before tax.

It's an extra payment on top of the super guarantee contribution your employer has to pay. And it's different to adding after-tax money to your super.

It's also called salary packaging and most employers offer it.

Earn under $45,000 a year?

If so, there's less benefits to salary sacrificing. Some other options to think about:

After-tax contributions
Sharing super with your spouse
Bonuses from the government

Case study

How does salary sacrifice work?

Nic is 30 years old and plans to retire at 67. They earn $80,000 a year before tax. They decide they can afford to use $100 a fortnight from their take-home pay to grow their super.

Here's what it might look like if Nic adds before-tax money to their super by salary sacrifice. And how it compares to adding after-tax money from their take-home pay.1

Illustration of person on laptop
After-tax contribution

Grow your super by an extra


(Increase to super before retiring at age 67)


Nic earns $3,077 every fortnight and makes an after-tax contribution of $100


  • Super increases by $100 a fortnight
  • Take-home pay is reduced to $2,977 a fortnight
  • No tax saving (unless Nic claims a tax deduction)
Before-tax contribution
(salary sacrifice)

Grow your super by an extra


(Increase to super before retiring at age 67)

Biggest super boost


Nic earns $3,077 every fortnight and makes a before-tax contribution of $153


  • Super increases by $130 a fortnight ($153 less 15% super tax)
  • Take-home pay is reduced to $2,977 a fortnight
  • Saves $776 a year in tax
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Why is the take-home pay the same when adding $153 vs $100?

Paying $100 after tax or $153 before tax, either way, Nic is taking out $100 from their take-home pay.

If Nic pays the $100 before tax, it gets reduced by the 15% tax on the contribution. But they don't pay income tax on it. So they can actually pay up to $153 before tax to reduce their take-home pay by $100.

Illustration of man pointing at big phone

Is salary sacrifice worth it for me?

Use our salary sacrifice calculator

It's easy to do the sums online and see how extra payments add up over time. Use our super calculator to compare your options.

Go to the calculator

Benefits of salary sacrifice to super

Pay less tax

You pay less than your normal tax on money you salary sacrifice if your income plus super is $45,000-$250,000 a year. So that’s 15% tax vs up to 47% tax.

Reduce taxable income

Adding to your super from your salary before you pay tax on it lowers your taxable income. So you could avoid paying higher tax rates.

Add to your savings

Your super grows over time. Anything extra you put into your super now makes a big difference to how much you end up with when you retire.

How to salary sacrifice to your super

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Salary sacrifice super limit

There are limits on how much you can add to your super each year. This includes money you pay before tax.

Going over your limit could mean paying extra tax.

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Work out how much you can afford

Check how much you want to add to your super with our salary sacrifice super calculator.

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Talk to your employer

Ask your payroll office or salary package provider about starting salary sacrifice.

You can use our email template to let them know you want to start a salary sacrifice deduction.

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Check your payments

You can see your salary sacrifice contributions in our app or in Member Online once it's started.

FAQs about salary sacrificing

Deciding what to do depends on what matters most to you – growing your super, paying less tax, or having more take-home pay.

When it comes to salary sacrificing, or salary packaging, the main things to think about are your budget and your income level.

You need to make sure you have enough left in your take-home pay if you salary sacrificed. There's no point saving extra for the future if you leave yourself short today.

If you earn less than $45,000 a year, you might not get the tax benefits. Instead, you might think about making after-tax contributions. You could also get the government's super co-contribution if you meet the rules.

If you're earning more than this, another option is to make a voluntary after-tax contribution to your super and then claim a tax deduction.

Use a salary sacrifice calculator to check if it's worth it for you. Or you can get financial advice about your super as part of your membership.2

Salary sacrificing can be very tax-effective, but it's not right for everyone.

  1. The amount you can add to your super each year is capped. You'll pay more tax if you go above the limits.
  2. You can't claim a tax deduction on salary sacrificed contributions to your super. That's because you didn't pay any income tax on them.
  3. You'll still have less take-home pay by salary sacrificing. So you'll need to make sure it fits in with your budget.
  4. Salary sacrifice may not be as tax-effective if you earn under $45,000 a year.

The super contributions cap allows you to add up to $27,500 to your super before tax in 2023–24. The carry forward rule also means you can use any leftovers from your concessional caps for up to 5 years.

The cap includes both your salary sacrifice and the super your employer has to pay you.

If you go above this limit, you'll pay your marginal tax rate on extra contributions.

You can generally salary sacrifice any type of benefit. But your employer has to agree to let this form part of your pay package.

Salary sacrifice agreements with employers can sometimes include:

  • Fringe benefits – e.g. car, mortgage, rent, school fees, childcare fees
  • Exempt benefits – e.g. mobile phone, computer software, protective clothing, or tools of trade
  • Superannuation contributions.

Ask your employer about what they can let you salary sacrifice.

Just about anyone can salary sacrifice to super, depending on where you work.

Most employers offer super salary sacrifice but may not let you salary package other benefits.

Use a salary sacrifice calculator to check if it's right for you. Or you can get financial advice about your super as part of your membership with us.2

Yes, you pay 15% tax on money that you pay into your super. Or 30% if your income plus super is more than $250,000.

But because you're taking that money out of your before-tax pay, you don't pay your normal tax rate on it.

If you made after-tax contributions to your super instead (also called personal or voluntary contributions), you don't pay the 15% super tax. That's unless you claim a tax deduction for it.

There are other ways to give your super a boost:

  • Add extra to your super after tax
  • Find lost super
  • Combine your accounts to avoid multiple fees
  • Make spouse contributions
  • Get the government super co-contribution

Is salary sacrifice right for you?

Try our super calculator to check how much you could save and how it works with your take home pay.

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1. This case study is provided only to show how salary sacrificing works, so it's not about any real member, and the numbers shown don't take into account your personal tax liability. Additionally, figures may be rounded for ease of understanding. Members should seek advice from a qualified licensed professional, regarding their own circumstances. These figures were calculated using the Australian Retirement Trust Contributions Calculator on 12 October 2022. Please see the calculator for all assumptions made by the calculation. The information is not a guide to the future performance of any investment, including a Super Savings account or QSuper Accumulation account. Investment returns can be positive or negative and this does not guarantee a future outcome. The total saved does not take inflation into account. Check with your chosen savings product provider in regard to actual interest calculations. The calculation is based on tax rates for the 2022–23 financial year and assumes that all terms and conditions have been met.

2. Sunsuper Financial Services Pty Ltd (ABN 50 087 154 818 AFSL No. 227867) (SFS) is a separate legal entity responsible for the financial services it provides. Eligibility conditions apply. Refer to the Financial Services Guide for more information.