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Frequently asked questions

We understand that superannuation can sometimes seem to be complex and confusing. So to make it simple, we've listed some of the questions we often get asked. We've divided them into broad categories below.

Update details

How can I add a new employee?

If you've joined Australian Retirement Trust as an employer, and are currently using Employer Online, you can create new member accounts and attach existing Australian Retirement Trust members to your employer account using Employer Online. Select 'Add member' and complete the required fields in an open grid. Check out the Employer Online user guides for more details.

How can I update my employer details?

If you are the current contact person for your business, you fill out the Employer change of details form or contact us advising us of your business or company name, address, employer number, your name and the required changes. If you are not the current contact, please send a fax or letter on company letter head requesting that you be added as a contact and specifying the required changes. Otherwise, call us on 13 11 84.


Direct debit

How can I change my bank details?

If you are the current employer contact, you can quickly and easily update your bank details electronically by logging on to Australian Retirement Trust’s Employer Online system, going to the Settings tab and then Payment. Otherwise, you can contact us for any assistance you may require.

How does direct debit work?

You can pay by direct debit through Australian Retirement Trust’s Employer Online system. This means you can quickly and easily pay your employees super on time, every time.

Will Australian Retirement Trust automatically take money out of my account?

Australian Retirement Trust will never automatically deduct money from your account. Each time you want to pay your employees' super, you need to submit it in the system.



How do I register for BPAY?

If you've joined Australian Retirement Trust as an employer, you can register for online access and make a single BPAY® payment for all your Australian Retirement Trust members, or you can make individual payments for each Australian Retirement Trust member by using our BPAY number generator.

Employers who haven’t joined Australian Retirement Trust and who have less than 20 employees can make individual BPAY payments for each of their employees using our BPAY number generator. These payment details will stay the same for all future payments, so you don't have to generate new details every time you want to make a payment.

It's important to note that from 1 July 2015 individual BPAY will not be a SuperStream compliant method of payment. The ATO have indicated employers paying via this method may incur fines.

Where can I find the biller code and reference numbers?

Individual BPAY biller codes and references can be generated using out BPAY® number generator.

Employers currently enrolled for Employer Online can make one single BPAY payment for all their Australian Retirement Trust employees. Biller codes and references number can be found on the Receipt page in Employer Online.

If your organisation has not joined Australian Retirement Trust, you can join now.

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd

ABN 69 079 137 518


Paying super for your employees

How can I pay my employees' super?

We have a range of payment options for employers to give you flexibility in how you send us superannuation contribution details and money. The size and type of your business will often determine the best way to make payments. Which of our payment options are available to you will depend on whether or not you have joined Australian Retirement Trust as an employer. Find out about our payment options.

How much super do I need to pay?

Generally, employees aged over 18 and work full-time, part-time or on a casual basis, are covered by the SG legislation, currently set at 11.5% of ordinary times earnings. However, this is not the case for all employees. Find out more on how much you should pay.

For detailed information, call the ATO on 13 11 84 or visit the ATO website.

When do I need to pay by?

The SG deadline date is set 28 days after the end of each quarter.

Quarter Dates Due date
1st 1st July - 30th September 28th October
2nd 1st October – 31 December 28th January
3rd 1st January – 31 March 28th April
4th 1st April – 30 June 28th July

Check out more about contribution deadlines.


Joining Australian Retirement Trust

Do I need to join?

You can make a contribution for an existing Australian Retirement Trust member without registering. Find out more registering with Australian Retirement Trust.

How do I join?

It's easy! You can do it online right away and you'll be paying your employees' super in minutes. Get started here.

What do I get if I join?

Australian Retirement Trust has simple, fast and FREE super payment solutions to suit businesses of all sizes, across all industries. Whether you want to pay for one employee or hundreds, Australian Retirement Trust makes managing your employees' super, super easy. 

Join now.