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What does reconciliation mean?

For us, reconciliation means working together with First Nations people to help remove the barriers many face as they save for retirement.

We believe in an equal and inclusive community. One where all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples can retire well with confidence.

Illustration of two people on laptops and third person with hands up

Why it's important

As a fund for all Australians, we aim to guide our members to and through retirement. But we accept that some First Nations people don't have equal footing in Australia's super system.

We’re working with the super industry and leading organisations like First Nations Foundation to help improve access to the super system. And to help more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members feel confident about their financial futures.

Financial confidence

Our research shows that First Nations members have strong overall financial wellbeing. But they’re less confident in managing their money compared with ART members in total.

Less income

The research also shows First Nations members are much more likely to be lower income earners compared with ART members in total. This can affect how much they have in super when they retire.

two notes with dollar symbols icon



earn under $70,000

loungechair and umbrella icon



unsure they’ll have enough saved by retirement

person icon with dollar symbol



impacted by money worries every day

Source: Survey of 188 Australian Retirement Trust (ART) members who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples. Carried out by IPSOS on behalf of ART, September to November 2023.

How we're working towards reconciliation

We’ve developed a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to guide us as we seek to make meaningful changes within our fund and beyond.

So, what is a Reconciliation Action Plan?

A RAP shows how we'll work to strengthen relationships, respect, and opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Our first RAP

With our Reflect RAP, we've mapped out actions we can take that will make a measurable difference for First Nations people.

  • Our RAP is getting us ready to weave reconciliation into the way we operate.
  • We're learning more about First Nations cultures, histories and needs.
  • We're working to improve fairness and equality within the superannuation sector.

What type of RAP do we have?



We have a Reflect RAP. It's the first of 4 stages in Reconciliation Australia's RAP Framework. While we're built on a combined history of 140 years from the merger of Sunsuper and QSuper, as a fund we’re only a few years old.

So, our Reflect RAP is the next step in our combined reconciliation journey.

Download our RAP







Our First Nations partnerships

Visits to remote communities

Visits to remote communities

Dealing with super funds and finance systems can be confusing. It's even harder when living in remote areas.

We visit remote and regional communities in Australia to help First Nations members in person.

Some of the challenges they face include:

  • Proof of identity

  • Skills and knowledge of finance

  • Using the services of super funds

  • Finding and combining super accounts

  • Getting early access to super

  • Sorting out accounts for family members who have died

How it helps

By listening to people's stories and better understanding their needs, we've found ways to solve problems that had stopped members accessing their super.

We've helped more than 900 members and other residents in remote communities find more than $10.5 million in super.

Aboriginal women sitting at desks

Indigenous woman painting

Support for First Nations businesses

We're a proud member of Supply Nation, an organisation that supports Indigenous businesses.

Our membership helps us connect with First Nations businesses to grow the diversity of our suppliers. This helps to create a more inclusive economy.

First Nations male sitting at table

Lending our investment knowledge

We're also a member of Responsible Investment Association of Australasia's (RIAA) First Nations Peoples’ Rights Working Group.

As part of the group, we've contributed to the investor content of the Dhawura Ngilan Business & Investor Initiative's guides. It's designed to support businesses and investors to protect Indigenous cultural heritage and respect First Nations peoples' rights.

Useful forms and information

person icon with tick
Proof of identity for First Nations members

Sometimes it's difficult for First Nations members to prove their identity (ID). So, we've created another way to prove ID.

Use our referee form if you don't have the forms of ID that we need, like a driver's licence.

Download form

Learn about super

Our articles, tools and podcasts help you plan for your future.

Get super advice

Your membership with us includes personal financial advice about your accounts.

Indigenous Consumer Assistance Network (ICAN)

Learn about money and access financial counselling services.

First Nations Foundation resources

Choose from free and low-cost financial programs and resources.

Search for lost super

It's easy to check if you have lost or unclaimed super in Member Online.

Our RAP artwork: Mirndin-Gun-Yas

Mirndin-Gun-Yas (Our Pathway) is the story of Australian Retirement Trust forming from 2 super funds. The artwork shows our fund connecting with members from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities far and wide.

It also captures the spirit of our fund and its mission to create true reconciliation and better outcomes for all Indigenous Australians.

Bunya Designs' Leah Cummins created the artwork for our RAP.
Leah is a proud Mayi woman from North-Western Queensland.

Mirndin Gun Yas painting

Other questions about reconciliation

Can't see an answer to your question? Give us a call.

Contact us

As we near the end of our Reflect RAP, we're preparing to move to the next stage of Innovate.

An Innovate RAP outlines what we need to do to reach our vision for reconciliation.

It will guide us as we embed reconciliation into our cultural foundations.

Learn more about Reconciliation Australia's RAP Framework.

National Reconciliation Week is an event held in Australia every year.

It's a special week of learning about the histories, cultures and achievements we share. It’s also a time to focus on what we can do to achieve reconciliation.

Along with many groups, businesses and organisations across the country, we organise activities for our team to mark the week.

National Reconciliation Week is at the same time each year: 27 May to 3 June.

But each year has a different theme.

For 2024, the theme is Now More Than Ever.

NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It's a chance to support and learn more about your local First Nations communities.

So, how is NAIDOC Week different to Reconciliation Week?

  • NAIDOC Week is a celebration of 65,000+ years of culture and history.
  • National Reconciliation Week aims to strengthen the relationships between First Nations people and the wider Australian community.

National NAIDOC Week is held in the first week of July, from Sunday to Sunday, every year across Australia.

  • In 2024, NAIDOC Week runs from 7-14 July.
  • The theme for 2024 is Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud.

Here no matter where you are

We care about helping our members and the communities they live in. Learn more about our work.